Opening Hours
We are open Monday to Friday from 7.45am to 6.15pm. Full week, full day, and morning sessions are available to meet your work patterns or study timetables.
Our Own Parent Email Group
We keep you right up to date with important nursery news and notifications.
Newsletters Published Every Month
Read all about what we get up to and what your child has been learning.
Family Breakfast Events
Come along and enjoy an early morning breakfast with us every term.
Nursery Calendar of Events
Our calendars are published in advance for the year ahead helping you to plan for those special events and nursery closures.
Additional Sessions
Additional sessions can be booked at short notice* supporting your childcare needs in those expected and unexpected times. (*space permitting)
One to One Parent and Key Person Meetings
Time with you to share your child’s journey of learning, development and progress.
Dedicated Reception Area Staffed All Day
There is always someone available to spend time with you to discuss your queries, answer your phone calls, receive any paperwork.
Electronic Parent Policies
We have a paperless system to keep you informed of our policies, changes or updates.
Parcel Delivery and Collection Service
No need to wait in at home for that special delivery, we’ll take delivery and look after it until you collect it.
Keep Safe Service
If you need to leave something for another family member/friend to collect later in the day i.e. set of keys, leave them with us and we’ll keep them safe and hand them over when they arrive.
Post Box Service
Put a stamp on your mail and we’ll make sure it gets to the post box.
Battery Recycling Service
Recycle your old batteries in our recycling tube located in the nursery lobby.
Internal Playroom Telecoms System
If you are ever worried if your child is unsettled, or forgotten to pass a message onto staff, just ring us at any time to speak directly to your child’s key person or room staff.
Lending Library
Take a nursery book home to share with your family, then you can return it and swap it for another one!